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Spoken word recognition

The first two demonstrations use the auditory lexical decision task. In this task you hear stimuli and have to decide for each one whether it is a word of English.
At the end of the sequence a feedback screen gives you some information about your performance. Pressing the space bar when the feedback screen is displayed will start a new sequence with the same stimuli, but in a different random order.

The third demonstration is of gating - the presentation of incrementally increasing short fragments of a word, with the participant being required to give a response after each 'gate'.

Click on the test name below to start a test.

Before you begin ensure you have sound working:

Simple word-nonword The first task in this set simply measures the relative speed and accuracy of 'word' versus 'nonword' responses.

Word frequency In this task some of the words are more common words than some of the others. Which do you expect to be able to recognise more quickly?

Word gating In this task you are played increasingly longer portions of a word. How soon do you expect to be able to recognise a word?